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Message par Aldemar Lun 16 Mar - 20:38

New Guidelines for Instant Transportation

In all cases, add 1 magnitude to increase the distance to 50 paces, 2 magnitudes for 500 paces, 3 magnitudes for 1 league, 4 magnitudes for seven leagues, and 5 magnitudes to a place for which you have an Arcane Connection.

Level 5: Transport an animal instantly up to 5 paces. Non-living animal products are transported with Rego Terram.

Level 4: Transport a liquid instantly up to 5 paces.


Level 10: Transport a person instantly up to 5 paces.

Level 4: Transport a plant instantly up to 5 paces. Non-living plant products are transported with Rego Terram.

Level 3: Transport a fire instantly up to 5 paces.

Level 4: Transport a non-living object instantly up to 5 paces. For objects larger than something that can be comfortably held in two hands, size modifiers are necessary. Casting requisites may be needed if the item is primarily not under the Form of Terram.


Ars Magica Fifth Edition does not specify whether casting requisites are needed for instant transportation, and this may be left to the interpretation of the troupe. A storyguide wishing to make spells of instant transportation difficult might insist on casting requisites unless the character is to arrive naked (or has clothes made from human skin and hair...),- however this has the effect of making these spells exceptionally difficult to cast. Spells to levitate or fly do not require casting requisites, neither, apparently, does Gift of the Frog's Legs which uses a guideline for instant transportation.
The view taken in this chapter is that since Rego Corpus spells move the body, anything that the body is wearing or carrying is moved as well. Living creatures cannot be transported without requisites, except for familiars (if they can be carried), which share a special bond with the magus.
If the target is burdened by an unusually large load then casting requisites are certainly justified. As a guideline, any Burden which causes an Encumbrance of 3 or more should require a requisite appropriate to the material comprising the majority of the weight: Terram for metal, Herbam for wood, etc. Furthermore, a requisite is also justified if half the total weight is made up of a Form different to the primary Form: for example, a glass bottle containing wine, or a wooden crate with eggs inside. As always, the primary Form for a spell with requisites is derived from the spell with the highest base level, so a spell to transport a crate containing eggs is a Rego Animal (Terram) spell, not a Rego Terram (Animal) spell.
If you disagree with the basic premise that requisites are not required, then all you need to do is add casting requisites where applicable to the spells in this chapter.

Provient de Transforming Mythic Europe p 107

Messages : 503
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2015

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GL supplémentaire relatives au TP Empty Re: GL supplémentaire relatives au TP

Message par Aldemar Lun 16 Mar - 21:41

Warping Gained from Instant Transportation

Spells and effects for instant transportation are often over 30th level, particularly if they transport a target an appreciable distance. This means that the targets of these spells accumulate a Warping point with every casting, and if a person, animal, or object is affected 5 times or more, it will suffer a Minor Flaw (ArMS, page 168), and another after 15 castings. Should one target experience 75 or more transits, it also accumulates a Minor Virtue. Flaws that result from repeated transportation magic might include Motion Sickness, No Sense of Direction or Lesser Malediction (feelings of loneliness and depression when away from home). Virtues might include Wilderness Sense (which includes a sense of where north is) or Homing Instinct (see Realms of Power. -Magic, page 44).

Even inanimate objects suffer warping (ArM5, page 167), and while warped packing crates are no great trial (as long as they are not reused), transporting an entire wagon and its contents is not such a good idea, since the wagon represents a substantial outlay of funds and is not disposable in the same manner. There are no clear rules regarding what happens when items become warped. Eating food warped by transport across Mythic Europe should not be any problem (it would only have one Warping point in any case), unless it suits the story for this to be an issue.
Items that get heavily warped may develop a personality of their own, although it probably needs a more dramatic event, such as a botch, for an item to become truly sentient.

Provient de Transforming Mythic Europe p 114

Messages : 503
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2015

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